



中英文7千余字,word 文档。




1. 货物/设备名称和型号 1. Goods/ Equipment Name and Model

2. 规格、产地和制造厂商 2. Specification, Country of Origin and Manufacturer

3. 货物订购数量 3. Quantity of Goods Ordered

4. 单价和总价 4. Unit price and Total amount

5. 支付货币 5. Payment Currency

6. 包装Packing

7. 装船时间Shipment Date

8. 装运口岸Port of Loading

9. 目的口岸 Port of Destination

10. 装运唛头 10. Marking of Shipment

11. 交货条件 11. Delivery Terms

12. 货物生产标准 12. Standards of Goods Manufacture

13. 保险 13. Insurance

14. 付款条件 14. Terms of Payment

15. 商品名称、数量、品质、品牌以及货物详细技术要求

15. Name, Quantity, Quality, Brand and Detailed Technical Requirements of Goods

16. 货物保质期 16. Shelf-life life of the goods

17. 货物保修期 17. Warranty period for the goods

18. 其它条件 18. Other conditions

19 .FOB条件For FOB Terms:

20. C&F条件 20. For C&F Terms:

21. CIF条件 21. CIF Terms

22. 装船通知 22. Advice of Shipment

23. 装船单据 23. Shipping Documents

24. 危险品说明书 24. Instructions of Dangerous Goods

25. 检验和索赔 25. Inspection and Claim

26. 不可抗力事件 26. Force Majeure Events

27. 仲裁 27. Arbitration


10. 装运唛头 10. Marking of shipment


The seller is responsible for distinctly printing or marking each shipment with fadeless paint the following markings, together with the port of destination, piece number, gross weight, net weight, size, volume in cubic metres and other markings as required by the buyer. In the case of dangerous and toxic goods, the seller is responsible for ensuring, on each piece of goods, description of the nature of the goods and the customary markings clearly marked.

11. 交货条件 11. Delivery terms

FOB/CFR/CIF .除非另有规定,“CFR/CIF”均应依照国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》INCOTERMS 2020办理。

FOB/CFR/CIF. Unless otherwise specified, “CFR/CIF” shall be governed by INCOTERMS 2020 of the International Chamber of Commerce.

12. 货物生产标准 12. Standards of goods manufacture

13. 保险 13. Insurance


For the delivery terms are FOB or CFR, the insurance will be effected by the buyer.


For the delivery terms is CIF, the seller shall be liability to effect the insurances against all risks at 110% of the invoice amount with additional war risk.

14. 付款条件 14. Terms of payment

14.1 信用证支付方式

14.1 Payment by Letter of Credit


The Buyer shall, one month prior to the time of shipment of the goods, establish an irrevocable letter of credit by telex/wire transfer payable to the Seller through ______ bank and the Seller shall negotiate loan at the issuing bank subsequent to shipment of the goods against the documents listed in article 24 A of the delivery documents clause hereof. The above Letter of credit will expire 15 days subsequent to shipment.

14.2 托收D/P 或D/A支付

14.2 Collection D / P or D / A paid

货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,按即期付款交单D/P方式,通过卖方银行及 银行向买方转交单证,换取货物。

货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的承兑跟单汇票,付款期限为 日后,按即期承兑交单,通过卖方银行,经买方承兑后,向买方转交单证,买方按汇票期限到期支付货款。

The Seller shall, subsequent to shipment of the goods, issues the documentary order for payment in favor of the Buyer and forward by the method of document against payment at sight through the Seller’s bank and Bank, the documents to the Buyer in exchange for the goods.

The Seller shall, upon shipment of the goods, issue the acceptance bill with the Buyer as the payer and the payment is due to be effected in days, the bill is delivered on demand, through the Seller’s bank, accepted by the Buyer and forwarded to the Buyer which effect payment for the goods as the time due date of the bill.

14.3 汇付 14.3 Payment by remittance


The Buyer shall effect payment for the goods by wire transfer within seven working days upon receipt of the shipping documents submitted by the Seller in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 hereof.

15. 商品名称、数量、品质、品牌以及货物详细技术要求

15. Name, quantity, quality, brand and detailed technical requirements of the goods


The name, quantity, quality, brand and detailed technical requirements of the goods shall be determined by written agreement between the Seller and the Buyer and shall be set out in a list annexed to this contract. The list is attached to this contract as an annex hereto.

16. 货物保质期 16. Shelf-life life of the goods

.货物保质期为 年。 . The shelf life of the goods is years.

17. 货物保修期 17. Warranty period for the goods

货物保修期: 年,终身维护。如保修期内此批产品出现任何产品本身故障,使用不当或不可抗力因素除外,卖方接到通知7天内派人员到现场解决,任何相关费用包括维修、零配件及交通差旅费均有卖方负责承担。如果卖方未能遵守前述售后服务承诺,造成买方损失或影响买方工作,除赔偿买方损失外,还应该承担合同金额的10%违约金。对因产品质量原因造成的人身、财产损害,卖方应当承担全部法律责任和赔偿责任。

17. Warranty period for the goods: years, lifetime maintenance. provided that if any failure of the batch of product itself occurs during the warranty period, except for improper use or force majeure, the Seller will, within seven days of notification, dispatch its personnel to the site to solve the problem, and any related costs including maintenance, spare parts and transportation travel will be accountable on the Seller. Failure by the Seller to comply with the aforementioned commitment of after-sales service, causing damage to the Buyer or affecting the Buyer’s work, shall be liable for 10% of the contract amount as liquidated damages, in addition to compensation for the Buyer’s losses. The Seller shall bear full legal responsibility and liability for the damage to person and property caused by the quality of the product.

18. 其它条件 18. Other conditions


Unless agreed and accepted by the Buyer, all other matters relating to this contract shall be subject to the provisions of Part II Conditions of Delivery, which are an integral part hereof. Any additional terms to this contract will be executed by priority, and in case of any conflict with the terms of this Contract, the additional terms shall prevail.

19 .FOB条件For FOB Terms:


19.1. The shipment space of the goods under this contract shall be chartered by the Buyer or the Buyer’s forwarding agent ___________.


19.2. The Seller shall be responsible for loading the goods ordered onto the vessel specified by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer within the loading period specified in Clause 8 hereof.


19.3. The Buyer shall, 10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, notify the Seller by telegram or telex of the contract number, the goods name, the name of the Seller’s vessel, the expected date of shipment and the name of the agent so that the Seller may contact the shipping agent and arrange for the shipment of the goods. The Seller shall, by telegram or telex in good time, report the results of the contact to the Buyer which or its shipping agent shall inform the Seller promptly if the Buyer needs to change the vessel for any reason or if the vessel arrives at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date notified in advance. The Seller shall also maintain close contact with the Buyer’s shipping agent or the Buyer.


Should the Sellers fail to load the goods, within the time as notified by the Buyers, on board the vessel booked by the Buyers upon its arrival at the port of shipment, all expenses such as dead freight, demurrage, etc., and consequences thereof shall be undertaken by the Sellers


19.5. Where failure of the vessel’s arrival at the port for shipment as scheduled and to notify the Seller, the storage and insurance charges at the port of loading / unloading shall be borne by the Buyer from the sixteenth day upon the expiry of the free storage period at the port, except in cases of force majeure, however the Seller shall nevertheless load the goods on board upon arrival of the vessel at the port of loading. All the aforementioned costs shall be verified and paid against original documents.




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上一篇 2025年2月8日 18:23:27
下一篇 2025年2月8日 18:23:33

